Showcasing specific products to the right target audience is the daily challenge in B2B marketing. Before the Corona lockdown, many B2Bers used events and trade fairs to make new contacts and generate leads. Due to meeting restrictions, this was no longer possible, which is why online marketing methods have come to the fore. But how does this type of lead generation work? What is new about it and what needs to be considered? Our experts Peter Kühne and Alexander Holst will answer these questions in our webinar “The new lead generation. How to get the B2B leads you need without trade shows“.
Of course, our experts were also available to answer the participants’ questions at the end of the webinar. We have summarised the most interesting questions for you here:
Which tools do you use for a good lead analysis and processing?
The tool used for lead analysis depends on the type and quantity of leads generated. If there are only a few high-quality leads, your own CRM system and human filter would be sufficient. If you receive many leads with low quality data, a tool that roughly filters leads in advance would be beneficial. The goal is to filter out lead data records with false email addresses or fantasy names (for example: However, when selecting such tools you should test them thoroughly in advance. With American software, umlauts are often not programmed in as a letter option and the last name “Kühne” would be marked as a fantasy name. To analyse leads, you can set a priority on the leads in the CRM and increase it afterwards. With regard to a detailed explanation of the ideal processing of leads, we will include an extra webinar.
What does an ideal Nurturing process look like?
This process can have different goals, for example, increasing qualified contacts, shortening the buying process, improving conversion rates or increasing marketing ROI. It is important to work with a lot of content and to evaluate or use it in the right place.
With external service providers: What do I have to pay attention to so that the leads are really DSGVO-compliant?
In any case, you should hold a data processing contract between customer and partner. In addition, the partner should work in compliance with DSGVO (you can see this from the registration form, data protection officer, data sources, certificates). It is very important that an opt-in is generated for your company, because only then you have the right to contact the lead. Of course this tip does not replace legal advice. If you have further questions on this topic, you should contact an authorized specialist.
Is email marketing still up to date?
YES, definitely! It is a good way to reach or address your target audience directly. It also allows you to quickly calculate your ROI. According to a recent survey by the German Federal Statistical Office, email marketing is still number one when it comes to choosing possible communication and marketing measures.
Do you have experience with podcasts in B2B?
Podcasting in the B2B environment is a new trend that – like many developments – has emerged from consumer and influencer marketing. Podcasts offer the opportunity to convey specialist knowledge quickly and interestingly via audio track and are, depending on the type of learner, particularly interesting for auditive people. We implement podcasts technically and advertise them specifically via native ads to business users who have researched the topic and are listed in our B2BIQ data pool. In order to increase the number of followers your podcast has, it is advisable to appear as a guest speaker in another B2B podcast series and thus create attention for your own channel.
Further questions or suggestions? Or do you need help with your lead generation?